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About Me

Find out more about myself here.


myself family picture

Hi! My name is Sherwin Ee and I came to this world on 9 September 2000 in Singapore. I'm currently pursuing a Diploma in Infocomm Security Management in Singapore Polytechnic.


Mountain Biking BT MTB

Mountain Biking is a favourite sport of mine. I started it in 2014 on a friend's bike and then bought my own in 2015. I enjoy riding trails in the jungle as it is peaceful and away from the city. I can take time off to relax, catch up with friends and have some (strenuous and dangerous) exercise.

I also like to play online games with friends in my free time. Games I play include CS:GO, PUBG, Rust, The Witcher 3, and so on. Online games keeps friendships alive even in the real world.

Kindergarten and Primary School

P5 class photo Kindergarten graduation

I started my education at Nanyang Kindergarten until 2006 when I completed K2. I then headed to Nanyang Primary School. During my primary school, I started off doing well in my exams in lower primary. However, things changed when i reached upper primary. My results slowly worsened and my motivation to study and do well went down as well. Being in a top school meant everything was more difficult and so i struggled. I finally graduated in 2012 with a PSLE T-Score of 193,w Which meant I had a choice of going to the Express or Normal Academic stream. However, due to my DSA application, I was able to enrol into the express stream in West Spring Secondary School even though their cut-off score was 222.

Secondary School

Prom SEA Ceremony

After enrolling in secondary school, i joined the AVA Club, which handle large audio and visual equipment every morning assembly and during events. In the first term, I worked hard to try to cope with the express stream. However, after the first term, i just could not cope with the curriculum as i had to juggle 8 or 9 subjects at a fast pace. this led to me being laterally transferred to Secondary 2 N(A). I accepted the schools decision as i thought it would mean i can learn at a slower pace and i can cope better.

The first few days were a little difficult, everyone in the class knew each other except for me. It was a different kind of stress from studying. However, I began to make new friends in no time. The slower pace also meant that I can also focus more on my CCA, AVA Club, which i enjoy. I worked my way to be the Vice President of the club at the end of Secondary 2 and then the President in Secondary 3. Secondary 3 was also the year that i began to work hard again in order to do well for my GCE N levels in Sec 4. I balanced studies and CCA well and eventually graduated with a GCE N level aggregate of 6 points, which meant i am eligible for the Polytechnic Foundation Programme(PFP). I chose SP's Infocomm Security Management as my first choice and i got in under PFP.


pfp graduation Flag Day bowling

I began my polytechnic life a year ahead of Year One. PFP helped prepare me for my diploma course in the following year instead of taking O levels. It was a perfect choice i made as it did indeed prepare me well. Friendships were formed and we attended the LEAP camp together as well. I graduated from PFP in march of 2018 and then proceeded to Year 1 of my diploma course, which i am currently at.

I subsequently joined SP Stage Management in year 1 to continue upgrading my skills learned from AVA Club in Secondary school.